5 Reasons Your Website Isn’t Generating Leads

If you're unhappy with your business website it’s probably because it isn’t generating enough leads. Having the fanciest, shiny website in the world is not much good unless your digital marketing strategy attracts potential customers in the form of online sales or enquiries.

We’ve listed five reasons that may explain why your website isn’t generating leads and your digital marketing strategy is failing:

Your Website Can’t Be Found in Relevant Search Results

Ranking well in Google search results for competitive keywords and phrases isn’t easy, but that’s because it is so valuable to be there. Your potential customers are using Google to search for the products or services you provide, and if you aren’t appearing in those search results then they are probably going to your competitors instead.

Your Website’s User-Experience is Poor

You may have noticed that modern websites are more often than not clean and simple in their design, doing away with unnecessary clutter that characterised older websites that had sidebars, numerous buttons and links. If your website has no clear structure and is difficult to navigate then visitors are going to become frustrated very quickly.

Your Website Isn’t Mobile Friendly

Consumers are increasingly using their mobile devices, such as phones and tablets, to search for the products and services they want, that includes your products and services. Searching on mobile is quick and easy, or it should be. If your website isn’t optimised for mobile it can make exploring your website frustrating at best, and in a competitive online environment they are likely to click the back button and return to the search results to find a website that works on their mobile device.

There’s No Obvious Lead Capture

If your website doesn’t have straightforward and easy-to-find methods for potential customers to contact you then your website isn’t going to generate many leads. Of course, they could search for your email address in the contact page or footer, but you want to make getting in touch as easy as possible for them across the website on a number of pages, the website should knock down barriers and make visitors feel comfortable contacting you. Considerations such as where to place your phone number, contact buttons and enquiry forms, and how they look, can make a big difference to the number of leads you get.

You Haven’t Built Trust

Why should potential customers choose you? This can prove to be a challenging question for some businesses to answer as it requires them to take a long hard look at themselves and establish what attracted previous customers. Online marketing isn’t the place to be shy or modest, make some noise about your selling points and the successes you’ve had. All to often businesses have a massive selling point that sets them apart from their competition and they don’t let anyone know as they’ve simply not realised. A prime example of this in our experience is businesses that are able to beat any like-for-like quote for the products or services they offer but don’t let anyone know, this a fantastic selling point! Consider what you offer that nobody else does and shout about it!

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